HCA Board Members

Position Descriptions

Position Name Email Address
President Jeremiah Pope hcapresident44@gmail.com
Vice President OPEN vp@hillandale-md.org
Vice President for Programs Paul Rood vpprog@hillandale-md.org
Secretary Anita Ginyard-Rogers secretary@hillandale-md.org
Treasurer Mary Bergman treasurer@hillandale-md.org
Past President Margie Goergen-Rood pastpresident@hillandale-md.org
At Large
Position Name Email Address
At Large (Old Hillandale) OPEN atlarge1@hillandale-md.org
At Large (West Hillandale) Nancy Stark atlarge2@hillandale-md.org
At Large (West Hillandale) Tom Helfand atlarge3@hillandale-md.org
At Large (Hillandale Forest) Richard Sternberg atlarge4@hillandale-md.org
Committee Chairs
Committee Name Email Address
Archivist Paul Rood archivist@hillandale-md.org
Beautification Angie Logan-Pope beautification@hillandale-md.org
Editor, The Bulletin Ann Perry bulletin@hillandale-md.org
Housing and Permitting OPEN codehelp@hillandale-md.org
Membership Margie Goergen-Rood and Kay Taub membership@hillandale-md.org
Natural Resources Eddie Hall resources@hillandale-md.org
Public Safety Jai J. Green (Advisory) publicsafety@hillandale-md.org
Schools Tom Helfand schools@hillandale-md.org
Website Maintenance Russ Harris webadmin@hillandale-md.org
Welcome Melissa Knapp and Marcy Schlissel welcome@hillandale-md.org
Zoning and Planning Eileen Finnegan zoning@hillandale-md.org
AdHoc Committee Chairs
Friends of Whiteoak Liaison Shana Davis-Cook liaison@hillandale-md.org
Transportation OPEN transportation@hillandale-md.org
Community Organizations
Hillandale Swim and Tennis OPEN www.hillandalepool.com
West Hillandale Swim Club OPEN www.westhillandaleswimclub.org