HCA Board Position Descriptions

President Leads the HCA Executive Board including coordination of meetings and committee actions and serves as the HCA community spokesperson
Vice President Assists the president in daily runnings of the HCA and acts as president when needed
Vice President for Programs Coordinates HCA events including the annual Neighborhood Night Out and Holiday Party
Treasurer Handles the accounting duties including paying bills, deposits and outlays, tax filing and preparation of the annual budget report
Secretary Records and publishes meeting minutes of the board and maintains the community mailing list
At Large (4) Represents the board in the community and serves as liaison for neighbors to share and exchange information concerning the neighborhood with board members
Hillandale Bulletin Editor Edits and publishes the Hillandale Bulletin newsletter to be distributed to the community via email and postal address
Garden Awards Takes nominations from the community and judges the seasonal Hillandale Garden Award
Archivist Maintains historical Hillandale records and publicizes historical interest topics of Hillandale
Housing and Permitting Provides advice to neighbors about navigating the permitting and enforcement policies of the county
Natural Resources Tracks issues and advocates for Hillandale's public spaces and park areas including the Hillandale Local Park and NW Branch trail
Public Safety Monitors issues related to neighborhood traffic, criminal activity and security matters. Coordinates the distribution of the Hillandale speed reduction signs
Membership Processes membership dues, updates to the HCA resident database and production of the Hillandale Directory
Schools Coordinates grants for our four local schools and tracks opportunities for community members to support school efforts and activities
Website Maintenance Maintains the HCA website style and content and posts updates as requested by the executive board
Zoning and Planning Tracks land-use plans for our area and proposed laws that affect Hillandale and communicates them to the board and community
FOWO Liaison Friends of White Oak board member representing the Hillandale community